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Today we want to make a special mention to the work being done by this organization, through two great women and their team of volunteers and ambassadors:

No Más Colillas Colombia, is an environmental education programl which was born in 2017, devised by young women and conscious citizens who seek innovative solutions for the proper disposal of Cigarette Butts, generating positive impacts on the community, promoting environmental care and conservation.

They have been responsible for making visible the serious damage caused by cigarette butts to the environment, when they are thrown to the ground, but its task does not end with making this problem visible, but also with offering alternatives so that people can contribute to environmental care and adopt a new awareness of the issue. 

¿How do they do it?

1. Innovating in pedagogical processes and environmental culture.

2. Betting on the correct disposal of Cigarette butts through the integral environmental education program which includes:

  • Educational workshops
  • Waste collection
  • Research and transformation
  • Citizen volunteering

3. Inspirational talks: How we are impacting the territory.

4. Experiential workshops: Learning through role-playing.

5. Research: Development of internships, interns, projects, semester thesis.

Did you know that ...

There are 1.1 billion smokers in the world. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are harmful and at least 69 cause cancer (WHO, 2019).

A single cigarette butt can contaminate 8 liters of seawater and up to 50 liters of drinking water (Grupo Innova, 2016).

It is worth showing the great impact these two women have made:

Thus begins this great joint dream of BUILDING a CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY! ...

Want to be part of it?

Don't miss it!

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